Montur & Pulverdampf

Under this motto the Museum of Military History in Vienna held a spectacular journey through seven centuries of military history on 8 and 9 July 2018. With camps, medieval market, shows, crafts, children’s program, performances by various re-enactment groups and much more.

Nearly 13,000 visitors took the opportunity to participate in this experience.

The UEHMG was represented for the second time at this major event with its own tent and the opportunity to present their members and maintain contact.

In addition to the demonstrations of the “Deutschmeister Schützenkorps” and the “Reitende Artilleriedivision No. 2 (RAD2)” who have been attending for many years, was a concert of the “k.u.k. Wiener Regimentskapelle IR4” one of the highlights of this year.

A big honor for the above mentioned groups was the visit of IKKH Camilla von Habsburg-Lothringen at this event.

Emperor Karl Memorial Mass in Biedermannsdorf

On the initiative of the “Biedermannsdorfer Kapellenverein” one commemorated on 21.10.2018 in the context of a holy mass, celebrated by pastor Dr. med. Bernhard Mucha, the beatification of Emperor Karl I, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony in front of the Emperor Karl Chapel.

The most active participants were IKKH Camilla von Habsburg-Lothringen, with General-Adjutant of the House of Habsburg, MajGen iTR Peter Pritz, accompanied by the Knights of the Order of St. George and the Military Hospital Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.

With standards went on traditional associations such as the “Deutschmeister Schützenkorps”, the “Reitende Artillerie Division Nr. 2”, the “Dragoner Regiment Nr. 3 König von Sachsen” and the “Dragonerregiment Nr. 2 Graf Pejacsevich”.

Furthermore represented were the “katholischen österreichischen Landsmannschaften” as well as the FF Biedermannsdorf.

After the Mass, the procession to the Emperor Karl Chapel took place, the blessing of those present with the Emperor Karl Reliquie, the repositio of the relic followed by a wreath-laying ceremony by the FF Biedermannsdorf.

Lieutenant iTR Alfred Cunat of the “Deutschmeister Schützenkorps” made a military message to the Highest-serving IKKH Camilla von Habsburg-Lothringen. In the course of the wreath-laying ceremony, a General-de-Charge was shot as a tribute under trumpet sounds by the “Deutschmeister Schützenkorps”.

After the closing message to the most present and as the conclusion of the solemn event the chapel society under Maj Peter Fuhrich invited all present to the Agape and a cozy get-together.