Exactly 510 days after the last Imperial Ball, the Imperial Ball 2024 took place – once again during the traditional ball season. The organisers were once again delighted to welcome a full house to the 14th Imperial Ball in the wonderful atmosphere of Korneuburg’s historic town hall.
Among the many guests of honour, Archduke Karl-Konstantin von Habsburg deserves special mention. The great-grandson of Emperor Karl I, to whom the Imperial Ball is dedicated, signed the Golden Book of the City of Korneuburg early in the evening at a champagne reception in the town hall. With this invitation, Mayor Christian Gepp, MSc, continued a tradition that has honoured us year after year.

To everyone’s delight, Archduke Karl-Konstantin appeared accompanied by his parents H.E. Ambassador HIRH Georg von Habsburg and his dear wife HIRH Eilika von Habsburg, which once again emphasised the high status of the Imperial Ball in the context of the imperial and royal tradition.
It is not possible to list the many representatives of the traditional regiments here, but we are happy to let the numerous pictures on the Kaiserball website do the talking. In any case, we are delighted that the Ball of the Traditional Regiments – organised and hosted by Infantry Regiment 49 and Dragoon Regiment 2 together with the UEHMG – was once again so well attended by the uniformed traditional community in 2024.
One of the first highlights was the opening dance by the dance couples from the Wopienka dance school. The dance couples – active as a formation in the Tanzsportclub Rot-Weiss Wien – showed us their skills at the highest level even at midnight. In any case, the ball guests were obviously motivated to take to the dance floor themselves.

Our discotheque “Club Charles” was also very popular again. And those who just wanted to have a quiet and cosy time visited the frizzante bar and smokers’ lounge in the inner courtyard. As every year, we also put together 14 main prizes for the tombola at the 14th Kaiserball. High-quality gifts from supporters of the ball were handed over to surprised and delighted ball guests – ranging from original posters from the imperial and royal era to dance lessons, a wellness weekend and a candlelight dinner.

Catering was once again provided by our k.u.k. court kitchen with à la carte specialities. The official part of the ball ended with the midnight quadrille and midnight snack, which was the start of the real entertainment for the organisers and many guests. The hard core, of course, stayed up until the final stroke at 4am. A few hours of light-heartedness and camaraderie were good for all the guests and we are already looking forward to the interim anniversary at the 15th Kaiserball!