Autumn conference of the Austrian Cavalry Association

On November 14, 2021, the Austrian Cavalry Association was allowed to be a guest at the residence of the Order of St. George in Vienna and hold its autumn conference there. The theme of the conference was the “Pan-European Movement”, presented by its Secretary General Rainhard Kloucek.

The welcome was given by the procurator of the Order of St. George, Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele. In his words, he emphasized the solidarity with the Austrian Cavalry Association, which shows itself through the preservation of tradition and through the symbol of St. George. “Connectedness” is also what distinguishes the House of Habsburg, which places what is common above what divides and connects different nations.

Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele

The President of the Cavalry Association Colonel Franz Prandstätter was pleased about the presence of the President of the UEHMG, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, MSc, and in his welcoming words he discussed the importance of maintaining tradition, which not only includes wearing a uniform, but also dealing with the history and clinging to it with dignity and respect. The autumn conference should contribute to deepening this knowledge.

Generalsekretär Rainhard Kloucek

Secretary General Kloucek also opened his lecture on the Pan-European Movement with reference to the tradition that forms our roots – we shouldn’t “put everything away” right away.

The Pan-Europa movement was launched on November 17, 1922 by Japanese-born Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who saw Europe as a whole. He advocated a European order, especially externally, regarding security policy and the free internal market, and even then the idea of a common currency (based on the gold standard) was born.

In 1926 he organized a congress which was attended by over 2,000 people and in which the idea of a united, peaceful Europe was promoted. The movement was banned by the emergence of National Socialism – Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi fled to Pressburg, then to the USA. The unification of the European nation-states initially failed because of the erection of the Iron Curtain.


After 1945 there was a major congress in The Hague, in which the idea of European integration was revived. The movement was continued by Archduke Otto von Habsburg, who became Vice President of the Paneuropean Union in 1957. During his presidency, the first opening of the Iron Curtain on August 19, 1989 on the Austro-Hungarian border became legendary, when the first citizens of the East were able to cross the border into Western Europe under the co-organization of the Paneuropean movement.

In earlier alliances of states, such as the EEC and EFTA, the European idea was only partially reflected, and in today’s European Council a single country often prevents an agreement. With the focus on expanding to Southern / Eastern Europe, the Pan-European Movement is still pursuing the idea of a united Europe and will celebrate its 100th anniversary on November 17, 2022.

After a short discussion, Colonel Franz Prandstätter pointed out further celebrations for the coming year:

  • April 1, 2022: 100th anniversary of the death of Emperor Karl
  • November 20, 2022: 110th birthday of Archduke Otto von Habsburg

Then Mjr. iTR Mag. Georg Reichlin-Meldegg presented his book “Stormed Fortress. War and Love in Times of Cholera and Typhus ”.

The commander of Dragoon Regiment 2, Obstlt.Michael Islinger, then informed about an event that is also planned for the coming year:

350 years of the establishment of the regiment – an exhibition on Heldenberg about dragoons, lancers and hussars regiments since 1672. Approx. 80,000-250,000 spectators are expected for the exhibition planned from April to November 2022. He asks for loans.

The autumn conference 2021 ended with a leisurely lunch in a nearby restaurant.

Mjr. iTR Mag. Georg Reichlin-Meldegg
Obstlt. Michael Islinger

Photos: Renate Berka, Public Relations Office of the Austrian Cavalry Association

Expression about condolences about Mjr iTR Alois Gründler

Alois Gründler

With great sadness we have the duty to announce that our comrade Major iTR Alois Gründler, regimental commander of Kaiserjäger Schwaz fell asleep peacefully on September 20, 2021 within his family circle and passed away.

The President of the Union of European Historical Military Groups, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, the Board, the Presidium and all comrades of the UEHMG express their deep sympathy to the bereaved for this heavy loss.

The UEHMG will keep an honorable memory of its well-deserved comrade.

General Rapport 2021

From September 17 to 18, 2021 – after the event was unfortunately canceled in 2020 – the General Rapport 2021 took place in Korneuburg/Austria. President GenMjr iTR Michael Blaha, Msc, organized the program almost single-handedly due to the ongoing restrictions caused by the Corona situation and prepared the general assembly with the election of the board.

On Thursday evening an illustrious group met in the wine bar “Das Herzog Leopold” and celebrated the long-awaited reunion with one or the other fine glass of wine – after all, the last big event was the General Rapport 2019 in Sopron and for some just before the lockdown the Kaiserball 2020.

On Friday, the general assembly of the UEWHG with the reporting years 2019 and 2020 was on the agenda. The historic city hall in Korneuburg, which provided a dignified ambience, acted as the meeting place. In his activity report, the president mentioned the joint achievements of the board in the past 4 years: the own events, the numerous board meetings, the redesign of the website and the journal, the increase in members and the positive financial situation. But he also went further into the future challenges: the positioning as an umbrella organization, the topic of women in uniform, the demarcation between maintaining tradition and representation and the further increase in internal communication.

After the reports of the vice-presidents, the liaison officers and the other board members, the actions of the financial officers and the executive committee were unanimously approved – thanks and respect to all function holders for the performance of the past term of work! The opportunity was also used to express thanks to some well-deserved functionaries and to raise them to the status of honorary members – this concerns Major General iTR Peter Pritz, Colonel d. Kav. Friedrich Gappmayr, Lieutenant Colonel iTR Hans Härtl, Lieutenant Colonel d. Kav. Michael Islinger and Lieutenant Colonel iTR Uto Ziehn, who have all done an excellent job in the interests of and for the benefit of the UEHMG.

After a leisurely coffee break, the main topic was the election of the new board. President GenMjr iTR Michael Blaha, Msc, was unanimously re-elected, as was his Austrian Deputy Lieutenant Colonel iTR Michael Joannidis in the newly created position and the four Vice Presidents Colonel iTR Hans-Joachim Böhm, Colonel iTR Dipl.Ing. Stancho Djumaliev, Lieutenant Colonel iTR Pål Robin Gule and Lieutenant iTR Nataša Salihović. In the area of administration, there is a new team, some of them new but experienced in tradition, in the form of Secretary-General Colonel iTR KommRat Ernst Kugler, Administration Officer Captain iTR Franz Schlosser, Financial Officer Financial Councillor iTR Frank Kasteliz and Media Officer Cadet Sergeant iTR Andreas Tarbuk. We can welcome Major iTR Alexander Eckhardt as adjutant. All other functions of the board of auditors, the board of justice, the liaison officers and honorary members can be found here on our website under UEHMG/Executive Committee.

With an evening together with an excellent grill buffet in the “Gwölb” restaurant in Korneuburg, the amicable day ended with a friendly atmosphere – a get-together that was obviously good for everyone after the long separation.

Saturday was marked by the 30th anniversary of the UEHMG. First, however, the supporting program started – an impressive visit to the Korneuburg eagle observatory with a show of birds of prey on the one hand and traditional shooting with orderly rifles at the HSV Vienna in Stammersdorf on the other. Shortly before the ceremony, a thunderstorm swept over the region, but the sun was favorable to the uniformed men and displaced the rain clouds in time for the march-in.

Numerous guests of honor followed the invitation to the ceremony, first and foremost HIRH Camilla von Habsburg, the Lower Austrian military commander Bgdr Mag. Martin Jawurek, the mayor of Korneuburg Christian Gepp, MSc on behalf of Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, military dean DDr. Alexander Wessely, the procurator of the Order of St. George Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele, retired General Karl Majcen and retired Lieutenant General Christian Segur-Cabanc to name a few. The regimental music IR42 accompanied the ceremony with suitable musical marches and was also able to be seen during the drill.

In his speech, President GenMjr iTR Michael Blaha, Msc, once again addressed the importance and sustainability of the Europe-wide umbrella organization of the UEHMG and thanked not only the representatives present for their participation, but also all previous officials over the past 30 years. In an anniversary publication, which contains many greetings from high-ranking personalities, the development of the UEHMG and its current status was presented in detail and can be read here on the website under Archive/Magazines.

The ceremony was also used for a number of awards – for example, the transfer of command and promotions to Dragoon Regiment 2, the handover of the sub auspiciis seal of the House of Habsburg to the Carinthian traditional gendarmerie and the handing over of merit to the Karlovac City Guard. After the handover of commemorative medals and banners – sponsored by the President himself – the ceremony ended with a triple cannon shot by the RAD2 and a parade of all uniformed men in front of the guests and guests of honor. All in all, a worthy and appropriate anniversary celebration that everyone will remember for a long time.

Saturday also ended with a cozy, comradely finale in the “Gwölb” restaurant, where it was noticeable that no one would like to leave and go home. In any case, we are already looking forward to the General Rapport 2022 in Schwaz in Tyrol!

> Here you can find impressions of the two days.

Impressions General Rapport 2021

Here you can find impressions of the meeting, the supporting program and the ceremony for the 30th anniversary on September 17 and 18, 2021 in Korneuburg.

> Here you can find a detailed report.

Meeting of the General Rapport

Accompanying programme: Adlerwarte

Accompanying programme: Traditional shooting

Ceremony for the 30th anniversary

> Click here for the video of the ceremony

Video provided by the Austrian Cavalry Association

Imperial Parade 2021

An imperial parade for the 60th birthday of HIRH Karl von Habsburg

His birthday was on January 11, 2021, but HIRH Karl von Habsburg was unable to celebrate in the lockdown. The grandson of the last emperor made up for it in Korneuburg. For this purpose, the organiser, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, converted the annual Imperial Ball into an Imperial Parade.

On June 26, 2021, the Imperial Parade in honour of the 60th birthday of HIRH Karl von Habsburg finally could take place with almost 200 participants.

The jubilarian was particularly pleased about the large number of participating traditional delegations as well as the many onlookers. “The weather is fantastic, the surroundings are great and so is the occasion,” Habsburg said. “There is a respect and an interest in our own history that exists here.”

Following the parade, Korneuburg Town Hall was included in the Via Habsburg, a cultural route of the Council of Europe. Finally, the crowning finale was the champagne reception hosted by PR professional Vinzenz Stimpfl-Abele at the Herzog Leopold, the wine bar in the Kaiserhaus on the main square of Korneuburg.

By the way: after the Imperial Parade is before the Imperial Ball – save the date for the 13th Imperial Ball in Korneuburg’s historic city hall: February 19, 2022.

Videolink – provided by the Austrian Cavalry Association

Expression about condolences about cavalry captain Ing. Walter H. Maier

With great dismay and sadness we have the duty to announce that our comrade cavalry captain Ing. Walter H. Maier from the Reitercorps Ravensburg 1995 e.V. fell asleep surprisingly and peacefully within his family on June 6th, 2021 and passed away.

The President of the Union of European Historical Military Groups, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, the Board, the Presidium and all comrades of the UEHMG express their deep sympathy to the bereaved for this heavy loss.

The UEHMG will keep an honorable memory of its well-deserved comrade.

28th Marchfeld castle ride

Under the seal of “Sub Auspiciis” Karl von Habsburg

The riding training squadron of Dragoon Regiment No. 3 in the former k.u.k. Military riding and driving training institute Schlosshof organized the 28th Marchfeld castle ride from June 3 to 6, 2021 in compliance with all corona requirements.

This ride took place under the motto “30 Years of Dragoon Regiment No. 3” under the honorary protection of former Federal Minister for State Defense Werner Fasslabend and under the patronage of Hungary’s special ambassador Archduke Georg Habsburg and with the support of Mag. Klaus Panholzer, Managing Director of Schloss Schönbrunn Betriebs- und Kulturges.m.b.H., the divisional managers of the events department Mag. FH Mario Feigl and the animal area of Schloss Hof, the Municipalities, federal forests and regional hunters.

In order to ensure that tests could still be carried out for the award ceremony during the attendance of the participants on the 4 days, the doctor taking part in the competition, Dr. Yvonne Ziegler, carried out the check and the necessary missing corona tests.

Due to the Covid 19 measures, the opening took place again on Thursday in the arcade courtyard of Schlosshof. Numerous participants and helpers were welcomed by the organizer, Hans Günter Ebetshuber. In recognition of his services to the regiment, Wtm Walter Bründl Pohl was awarded the Order of Saint George 1st Class in Gold with Imperial Crown of the Austrian Cavalry Association. Afterwards, there was the opportunity to visit the exhibition in the castle or the various obstacles on the site, such as individual jumping, group jumping, etc.

The competitions were held in two categories again this year. The competition A (total distance for both days approx. 80 km, with special stages en route) directly in the castle courtyard or during the lunch break in Eckartsau Castle. During the lunch break in Marchegg Castle, during the archery and horseshoe throwing competitions, our Colonel of Honor of Dragoon Regiment No. 3, Dr. Werner Fasslabend, convinced of the dedication and enthusiasm of the participants in the company of organizer Hans Günter Ebetshuber.


Among other things, the Haringsee shooting range was ridden, where the shooting competition with the k.u.k. Officer’s pistol Rast and Gasser was carried out. Driving through, hand horse riding, overcoming natural obstacles in a group, individual jumping over natural obstacles the next day, estimating distances, reading a plan, etc. were among the special tasks where you could collect points.

16 participants (competition A) performed positively in the special tests and completed the total distance of approx. 80 km without any mistakes. Of these, 3 participants were proud to receive the bronze cavalry badge for orientation and trail riding.

For the first time, after three placements, two participants achieved the cavalry performance badge for orientation and trail riding in silver.

The competition B with a total of approx. 50 km on both days was well received by the 30 participants and was rated extra. During the individual jumping of the natural obstacles, “Kranzelstechen” and rushing through with the hand horse, the organizer and the participants were able to warmly welcome once more the President of the Lower Austrian Equestrian Association KR Ing. Gerold Dautzenberg. Ing. Dautzenberg noticed the harmony and the familial charisma that emanated from the participants and the organization team.

In the cozy garden of the castle restaurant, people talked shop afterwards, among other things, about the possibilities of supporting and promoting popular equestrian sport.

After the gala dinner in the restaurant “Zum Weissen Pfau” – in compliance with the Corona rules – stable plank chains, stitches, certificates and placement prices were handed over by the organizer.

In recognition of his services to the traditional Dragoon Regiment No. 3, Rittmeister Mag. Martin Planko and platoon leader Günter Ringhofer were awarded the Order of Saint George 1st Class in Gold with Imperial Crown from the Austrian Cavalry Association. The gold medal with a green laurel wreath was presented to Caroline Geiger for the first time for special commitment and support around the castle ride. Due to their riding ability – also in the past – the group was able to take over the previous challenge cup permanently in 2012 with three victories.

At the end of the award ceremony, the organizer Colonel of Cavalry, Hans Günter Ebetshuber, presented a work of art made of stone pine from the participants Danny Schäfer and Otto Buchheit. In hours of loving work, Danny created and worked on his portrait and that of his horse of life AKORD, which had to be put to sleep on October 13th after a severe colic in the University of Veterinary Medicine. With a personal dedication and on the occasion of 30 years of Dragoon Regiment No. 3, which was generally approved by applause and touched emotionally.

Competition A

  • 1st place: Carla Hartberger, Finian Geiger, Sophie Mikula, Felicitas Geiger
  • 2nd place: Dr. Yvonne Stark-Ziegler, Marlene Tucek, Carmen Merwald, Eva Müller
  • 3rd place: Vanessa Mitterer, Marie Theres Tomasich, Andrea Höld, Danny Schäfer, Otto Buchheit

Competition B

  • 1st place: Michaela Pinisch, Julia Wöhrleitner, Jennifer Schirk, Julia Kistner
  • 2nd place: Rttm Mag. Martin Planko DR 3, Fhr. Erich Mugli DR 3, Fhr. Gerhard Kubu DR 3, Michael Zobel
  • 3rd place: Caroline Geiger, Finian Geiger, Barbara Linsbichler

For the first time, after three placements, two participants achieved the cavalry performance badge for orientation and trail riding in silver: Finian Geiger and Sophie Mikula.

Expression about condolences about Vzlt i.R. Peter Bärnthaler

Peter Bärnthaler

With great dismay and sadness we have the duty to announce that our comrade Vzlt i.R. Peter Bärnthaler, commander of Traditionsverbandes k.u.k. Feldjägerbataillon Nr. 9 fell asleep peacefully on May 15, 2021 in Wagna near Leibnitz and passed away.

The President of the Union of European Historical Military Groups, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, the Board, the Presidium and all comrades of the UEHMG express their deep sympathy to the bereaved for this heavy loss.

The UEHMG will keep an honorable memory of its well-deserved comrade.

Award for Walter Pitlik

Captain iTR and master tailor Walter Pitlik was honored by HIRH Karl von Habsburg for his many years of activity in the creation and preservation of historical uniforms. The President of the UEHMG Major General iTR Michael Blaha and Adjutant General Peter Pritz insisted on handing over the certificate personally and expressed thanks and appreciation to Walter Pitlik.