Travelogue Piave and Gorizia

2nd study trip of the Institute for Historical Studies at the Piave and Gorizia from 14 to 19 October 2018

Day 1 – The Grenadier

He stands proudly and imperturbably, his head eagerly directed towards the west, in the direction of the oncoming enemy. He is prepared, has seized his armament, shouldered the equipment and applied the prescribed adjustment. The order will send him either to Malborget Fortress or to the Predil Pass. There he will try to stop the advance of the enemy troops – the best and most feared of that time. In this May of the year 1809, however, he and many of his comrades, heroic and with great bravery in the defense of the Fatherland against the overpowering enemy, will lose their lives or be taken prisoner. Later generations will put him on a pedestal (1909) and in books the scene of his heroic defensive battles, as the “Thermopylae of Austria [1]” characterize. Over the years, he has applied patina and eluded the history and growth of vegetation, people’s perceptions and perceptions. Finally, the forest around him was thinned, so that today he can again direct his view unhindered in the valley at his feet and in the direction of the former approaching enemy.

Immediately after the border, almost at the Tarvis motorway exit stands the monument of the imperial Austrian grenadier in memory of the battles in May 1809 against Napoleon’s troops. Even this first destination of our trip turned out to be a spectacular climax, because when you stand in front of the monument, you are truly impressed by its size and imposance. For a long time, neither the monument itself nor its surroundings could be seen as the area was surrounded by dense forest. Today, there is again a beautiful view and the historically interested visitor it is not difficult, at the foot of the overpowering warrior pulled into the spell of those times, the battles and the tactical conditions of Seinerzeit trace.

After this auspicious start of the 2nd Study Tour of the Institute for Historical Studies (IFHS), we aimed, according to the motto of the first travel section “In the footsteps of the FML Urbanski”, towards our destination San Dona di Piave. The trip was worked out and prepared jointly by the members of the IfHS and was excellently organized by our colleague Petra Stadler. Following the set goals, as well as the commemoration of the end of the First World War 100 years ago, we have designed the journey in addition to the aforementioned motto also from the point of view of the twelve Isonzo battles, so that the second part of us in the region led to Görz. The most important criterion for the trip, in addition to the visits and gaining new insights, the common experience and experience (in the best sense of the word) recognized, so we decided early in the planning to take a rental car, which offered us all. This decision proved to be the right one, because we were able to review the collected impressions, insights as well as the emotional aspects on the arrivals and departures together with our historical expertise.

So, after taking the auspicious start at the Imperial Grenadier and short stops in Malborget (Fort Hensel) and Pontafel (there was the imperial border with the still existing ancient landmarks – who knows today without googling what a myrmameter is? A myriameter is equivalent to 10,000 m ), the onward journey to San Dona was really historical and fun. Once there, however, finding the hotel proved to be tricky, because by a city festival in progress, there were roadblocks and a corresponding traffic on the alternative routes. After a short city tour in San Dona, we ended the evening with a good meal.

Day 2 – The traces of FML Urbanski

As of June 15, 1918, the k.u.k troops attempted to cross the Piave in their last attack, to tear up the Italians and thus end the war victoriously. FML Urbanski, the grandfather of our Honorary President, then commanded the 46th Rifle Division. In the course of the battle, it was actually succeeded parts of the o.-u.-Army to cross the Piave, briefly to form a bridgehead on the right bank and hold this a few days. During these dramatic days FML Urbanski arrived in San Dona and the Piave in order to find the most suitable areas of deployment during an exploratory mission for the imminent deployment of his 46th flight.

After breakfast and a brilliant lecture by our President that was full of all the facets of the high art of lecturing – the war situation on the Piave in general and the immediate situation in the San Dona area in particular – we were able to walk a short walk (our hotel was lying strategically ideal) reach the Piave and reminisce about events 100 years ago. Equipped with historical maps, we explored the shores of the Piave and were able to pinpoint the places that are important in the family history of our Honorary President, but also have a high significance for the tactical conditions of the events. We have all been impressed by the descriptions from the original records of the FML, which the latter expressly described in his war memoirs. Especially an event has occupied us for a long time. In his exploratory mission, FML Urbanski describes an attempt, always under enemy fire, to overrun the Piave under the railway bridge at San Dona, in order to suggest that his corps commander stop the battle due to probable failure. It was just at this railroad bridge that we too stood, 100 years later, and from the reports of the FML memoirs, with great reverence, we were able to immerse ourselves in the dramatic events of those days.

The Piave, which today is largely a tamed river, is in the section of San Dona fringed by wild scrub, partly dense shrubs and tall trees on both banks, so that a direct access or view of the river was only occasionally possible. At that point, we thought we could make out the terrain formations of former trenches and positions. To live in gratitude at a time when it is possible to walk in peaceful and undisturbed ways in many regions of Europe (where great human sacrifices were made one hundred years ago) has touched us deeply for the first time and should accompany us throughout the journey encounter again and again in many places.

After this first approach to the region and its history, we returned to the hotel and made our way to the planned afternoon stage. Along the Piave we drove upstream in the direction of Montello, the destination for the afternoon. In addition to the right bank of the Piave in the area of San Dona, the Montello was also a target that the O.-u. Troops were able to capture and hold for a few days in June 1918 (from 15 to 20 June 1918). Although our troops at that time managed to capture almost two thirds of the mountain, they could not be held in the Italian counterattack and you had to take the front back behind the Piave. Our aim was to get to know the conditions on site and, if necessary, to work out geographic and topographic factors influencing the course of the battle.

Contrary to expectations, however, we were confronted with an infrastructural problem during the journey, which at the beginning, as a nuisance in the further course of the journey (and travel) but as a source of unexpected cheerfulness, met completely unprepared: The car’s standard navigation device. Shortly after commissioning, we noticed his apparent misanthropy, had to perform several reboots due to malfunctions and finally lost the remainder of basic trust due to misdirected announcements. How good that there was still the navigation by means of two other mobile phones, which, however (due to different operating systems) also provided no synchronous information on the desired route. Highlight of the navigation madness (yes!) Was to drive the simultaneous request of two mobile phones and a car navigation system in three different directions. In the face of this “disorientation” of almost Babylonian dimensions, our president selflessly took the initiative and took the good old map as the last and most trusted quality assurance tool for navigation, so that now 5 people in the car, 4 with the navigation (incl. Drivers) were busy. After the successful elimination of the hindering circumstances, we were able to concentrate on the actual purpose of the journey and aimed at the goal. Again and again holding historical monuments or other memorable points, we have learned many impressions and interesting facts about the fighting on the Piave. Among other things, we reached the point on the river, at which time Ernest Hemingway, as a soldier of the Americas. Red Cross was injured, we stayed at the monument to the British 7th Infantry Division and set foot on one of the Piave Islands, was fought bitterly 100 years ago (this was easily possible, since the Piave at this point almost no Water led). When we finally reached the Montello, we realized that the ossuary erected on its summit did not open on Mondays for soldiers killed on the Piave! The area around the monument has been designated as a “Zona militare” and is fully fenced so that the visitor can not even access the grounds. The closed area did not keep us busy and we have, whether the many other, interesting and impressive memorials, fun started the return to San Dona.

Day 3 – The Grappa

Well rested, caressed and comprehensively pictured, today we have chosen to visit the Monte Grappa and the monument there for the Austro-Hungarian and Italian soldiers and, before that, a museum visit in Vittorio Veneto. The said museum houses a very versatile collection and has a pleasing scale, but the exhibits are – what turns out to be very anti-information – little or no signposted and described. One learns a lot about the Austrian occupation time in the region and above all about the big victory of the Italian army in October 1918 as well as their glorious army leaders. After an excellent cappuccino in the best café in the square, we left Vittorio Veneto behind us and drove on the famous Prosecco road to Monte Grappa. Along idyllic vineyards and picturesque villages, we sometimes enjoyed wonderful views and insights into this region. Over ever narrower serpentines, the road cascaded up the 1775m high Monte Grappa. Since our bus required the road to fill the entire width of the street and the bends could not be seen, a decrease in the intensity of the conversation had to be recorded in the car as the altitude rose. Before turning the horn, we climbed – on the right the gorge, on the left the mountain – after the next turn reversed, slowly the summit. Since – a leap of the car, followed by a short punch, already heard me all (as a driver) the S-word call shortly after, with “A Platter – right front!” To stop the car. The immediate inventory of the honorary president, as a passenger had this the shortest route, confirmed the first guess. A puncture at 1700m above sea level, far and wide no one – great! However, events of this kind promote the group dynamics and weld together. After a hardly noticeable irritation, we immediately searched the vehicle for jack and spare tire, found everything and started repairing the damage. Under difficult conditions (hillside, little space – I remember the big car and the narrow road) was the tire change relatively easily and after 15 minutes we could continue already.

Monte Grappa – a synonym of the First World War for both sides. Heroic, successful, blood-stained defending, and a magnificent, auspicious battle victory over there; unsuccessful, impotent, stained with great bloodcurser and the last great defeat hüben. The summit could never be taken by the O.U troops and always remained in Italian hands. Today, the Monte Grappa houses an extensive open-air museum with miles of hiking trails along the former front and on its summit a unique hero cemetery. This is a terrific example of the in this time (1920s and 1930s) in Italy usual construction. Pompous and monumental, the fallen are honored here and thought of their heroic courage. For the Austro-Hungarian fallen, a dignified memorial was built, which resembles that of the Italian in architecture and design, but is dimensioned much smaller. A long, narrow staircase leads from the parking lot to the central area of ​​the sacred building and is impressed by its dimensions and unobstructed distant views in all directions. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy that afternoon, so we could only vaguely perceive the environment in the distance. Nevertheless, the cloud cover with its scattered sunbeams and cool wind, in a strange way, corresponded to an inner expectation developed for such sites. Awe, silence and transience are the emotional mix of the building in the face of the building, the many thousands dead and the infinite mountains creates an atmosphere that culminates in a compassionate-liberating consolation, that the memory of the men driven to death is at least thought in dignity. There is no question about the dubious political epoch in Italy, in which many of these sites were conceived, planned and implemented, but: their care, their venerable and solemn handling of remembrance and remembrance, which extends to the present day, are worthy of all honor ! With the return trip, which was made on a different route and on which, with reaching a low three-digit sea level, the fun in the car has again begun, the eventful, long day has come to a satisfying end.

Day 4 – To the Isonzo

On this day we left the Piave and, following the second main focus of our journey, left for Gorizia. Before that, however, following the recommendation of our hotelier, we visited the local historical museum in San Dona. The staff welcomed us with great amazement and introduced them with the same enthusiasm in the way of the museum. Later, we felt that we were the first and only visitors for a long time. The museum spans an information arc from the ancient Romans to the modern age, developing the character of a local history museum, even though a room is dedicated to WWI.

Avoiding the highways, we have decided to use the former supply routes (today SS14) to the Piavefront to get a better idea of the long distances and other conditions that have demanded the Austro-Hungarian train and supplies a hundred years ago everything. Shortly before Cervignano, we then found the old landmark as the “milestone” of the day of arrival in Gorizia, marking the border between the monarchy and Italy. Immediately on the river Ausa is the obelisk running way mark. After a short break at this historic site, we continued our journey in a happy mood, always cheered up by erroneous announcements of the navigation device, and drove over Gradisca to Gorizia.

Day 5 – In the karst

We talked a lot about this in advance and in the program compilation. The author of these lines – who was already the only representative of the association – has often highlighted in dazzling colors the overwhelming and pompous nature of the memorial and also described its surroundings in glowing words. Redipuglia – the largest and most sublime monument of the Italian culture of adoration and remembrance of the First World War. 100,000 soldiers of the Italian 3rd Army are buried there, who have found in a monumental structure with 22 plateaus together with their army commander the final resting place. Well, when we reached the destination in the morning and all already spellbound fanned the monument, the almost impossible happened: Construction Site – No Access! The area was cordoned off large-scale, everywhere one could recognize brisk construction activity. Despite or because of the distance from the opposite parking lot, the size and dimension of the final resting place of so many fallen ones is overwhelming. Looking in the face of inevitability, we have quickly taken the disappointment away and turned towards the Colle Sant Elia before us, which houses the Parco della Rimembranza. On this hill, in addition to the heroic cemetery Redipuglia, a memorial was built and a homage was erected to the individual arms of the war.

Shadowed by a fragrant pine grove, one walks the small hill and passes by neat celebs of many arms, which are provided with poetic sayings and are equipped with their characteristic utensils. The plant is supplemented by all sorts of war equipment, mainly cannons and howitzers of different typologies. Austro-Hungarian models can also be found here. As the 12:00 o’clock bells ushered in the noon on this day and we from the distance a determined movement of movement of the Italian construction workers in the direction of the canteen, we thought very fast the plan to the heroic cemetery Redipuglia still pay a visit to whose now taking advantage of the orphaned situation during the lunch break to take a close look at the awesome site. As anticipated, the mountain side section of the heroic memorial was actually cleared and we were able to enter the facility for a few minutes, captivating us with its extraordinary aesthetics.

A few hundred meters further from Redipuglia, in Fogliano, lies the Austro-Hungarian military cemetery. On the way to the next stage, we stopped there and visited the final resting place of the Austro-Hungarian defenders. The war cemetery is in good condition and you will be informed at the entrance that Pope Francis has already paid a visit to this memorial. Many Hungarian soldiers are accommodated in this place, which in total houses the remains of 14,550 Austro-Hungarian soldiers. Strictly aligned and bedded in a luscious green, you will find on the gravestones so many names whose wearers counted only 18, 19 or 20 years. To be aware of this, deep consternation and thoughtful silence spread among us, which we all move back and forth in far greater age and peace.

After a pleasant lunch in Gradisca we reached Monte San Michele. This foremost peak of the Karst high plateau in the south of Gorizia marked in the first Isonzo battles the hotly contested cornerstone of the ö.-u defensive line. After the Italian declaration of war on 23.05.1915, for strategic reasons and in the face of Italian superiority, Austria-Hungary first erected the first line of defense on the high plateau of the Karst and expected the Italian assault waves to attack. Only in the fifth battle succeeded the Italian 3rd Army under enormous losses to take the Monte San Michele. The conquered positions of the Austrians were occupied and rebuilt for their own purposes. Today you will find on Monte San Michele (375m above sea level) a small museum and an impressive open-air museum that gives a good impression in the Italian Stellungsbau. Well-developed and easily accessible paths lead through the grounds and you get a magnificent view over the former battlefield in the karst and can see in good weather to the Adriatic Sea. An evening walk in Görz rounded off a remarkable day in style.

Day 6 – Monte San Gabriele

After the 6th Battle of Isonzo, when the Italians occupied Gorizia (before the Monte Sabotino on the right bank of the Isonzo was torn from the Austrian defenders), the small summit north of Gorizia became more and more the center of events that we wanted to climb that day. Slowly, the Italians fought in the course of 9 battles, but were repeatedly rejected by the Austrians. After the 10th battle, one stood in the immediate vicinity of Monte Santo and could look directly into the face of the mountain. The 11th now should bring the decision for the attackers. When the plateau of Bainsizza-Heiligengeist was conquered and the mountain was still held as the last cornerstone of the Austrian defense on the Isonzo front, Cadorna had everything to offer what the Italian assault power had to offer. In an incredible material and human battle, the mountain was stormed by a total of about 80,000 men, while shells of all caliber flew continuously to the defenders. 10,000 endings on both sides have fallen on its slopes. The Austrians held on and were able to hold the summit until last. The mountain of death – the Monte San Gabriele – remained in Austrian hands.

We had read a lot about this survey (646m above sea level), which we spent on the 6th day of travel as a destination. Along well-marked trails, past a memorial to the 20th Honved Infantry Division and former sanitary and supply caverns, we reached the summit after a good hour. Since the mountain is today completely forested, in contrast to the past, a viewing platform over the treetops was erected on its summit, which allowed us to maintain a fantastic panoramic view of the entire region during the Kaiser weather. Equipped with historical and up-to-date maps, we were able to trace the frontal course of the 10th and 11th Isonzo Battle from there, the peaks of Monte Sabotino, Monte Santo in front of us and Monte San Michele on the side. The high plateau of Bainsizza-Heiligengeist lay spread out in front of us and the valley to Cepovan, which marked the front line at the end of the 11th Battle of Isonzo, formed with its deeply carved valley bottom a striking, dark depression that stood out clearly visible from the gray-green wooded plateau. At our feet we could follow the Isonzo, whose turquoise-blue color shone up to us. For some time we stayed up there and let the impressions affect us, always aware of what horrible place this mountain had been 100 years ago. The way back we completed along the circular route and passed so well-developed Austrian positions. Even today you can see in the forest the paths, the combat coverages, MG positions, caverns, the first and the second line of defense. Unforgettable will remain for us all the fighting position that was created directly on the slope and gave us an impression of what it must have meant for the Italian soldiers to lead an attack at this point and on this mountain from the valley. We shuddered in the position of the Austrian defenders and the attacking understood that first the artillery preparation, partly with gas, then provided for the infantry attack. We went to the trenches, as far as they were accessible and tried to imagine how the soldiers after the alarm from the caverns and shelters ran and threw themselves to the Italians. MGs, hand grenades, rifles have struck down the abgehten, the mountain partly climbing the slope on all fours opponents. Unbelievable and a shake of the head made us feel, if you look at the local conditions today. Despite the nice weather, we thoughtfully went on the further round trip and are shaken up, but with much knowledge richer, returned to the car.

Now it was time to take care of the physical well-being, so we drove to Solkan, the district at the foot of Monte San Gabriele, where we refreshed our mind and body and recharged the “batteries”. The day ended with a visit to the old railway bridge and a nearby Austro-Hungarian military cemetery. The railway bridge was at the time of its establishment in 1908, the world’s longest stone arch bridge, was blown up in the course of the 6th Battle of Isonzo by the Austrians and after the war, first as a provisional, later then faithfully rebuilt by the Italians. Today, the area around the bridge is a popular meeting place, especially for the young people of the city. There is a climbing park on its pillars and in the Isonzo under the bridge a Übungsparkour was set up for whitewater paddling. The last event of the day was a visit to the Austro-Hungarian military cemetery not far from the bridge. Located behind the railway tracks and not labeled, only a few visitors find it, it forms among all the tombs visited a rather hidden example, although its location surrounded by the three mountains (Monte Sabotino, Monte Santo, Monte San Gabriele) and right on the river is very impressive. In the middle of the cemetery stands a stone pyramid with a simple inscription: “I had a comrade”.

Day 7 – drive home

The day of the trip home took us along the Isonzo, past all the battlefields to the north, where we reached Kobarid around lunchtime. As always, the visit to the local museum turned out to be a special event, because apart from the magnificent exhibition and the fantastic railing relief, which shows the war situation in the area Flitsch – Karfreit – Tolmein in an outstanding way, there is always something going on. So again. At the time of entry, we were informed that the Slovenian and Hungarian Prime Ministers had been announced for this day, and that we would have to follow the instructions of the security staff if necessary. Of course, this prospect did not detract from our thirst for knowledge, and we did not allow ourselves to be deterred by the actual arrival of the phalanx surrounding the two politicians from the exact study of the exhibited exhibits. This time there was no news in the bookshop, so we went on without the library, but with considerable knowledge gain. A final stop in Log pod Mangartum at the Kaiser-Josef-Hilfsstollen and at the military cemetery informed us on the one hand about the Austrian engineering achievements and on the other hand brought about the Bosnian troops and their fight and death for the empire.

Driving back over the Predilpass, we sat on the terrace at Lake Raibl again and enjoyed the lunch, before we, following the circuit at the old Grenadier in Tarvisio, again reached the highway and went to Vienna to attack the last stretch.

Conclusion and perspective

The second study trip of the Institute for Historical Studies will be remembered for a long time and we will preserve the experiences, insights and emotions and in the preparation of the next journey, which will lead us to the former war in the East, to Lviv and beyond, to flow into. We were able to deal directly with events of the war on the former southwest front, learned a lot about tactical, strategic and topographical contexts, we were able to immerse ourselves in landscapes and regions, we enjoyed the scent and culinary art of the South, and above all, We were able to gain a glimpse of what it must have meant to be a soldier in this war on Monte San Michele, Monte Grappa, Monte San Gabriele, and in so many other theaters of war, fighting daily for his life.

As I said, just a fraction of a hunch …

Author and photos: Rostek Marko, member of the board

Colonel Otto Dorfstätter – an obituary

On Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Colonel Otto Dorfstätter, Colonel of the Cavalry and Honorary President and longtime commander of the Dragoon Regiment No. 3, was redeemed at the age of 73 after a long and serious illness and convened to the Grand Army.

As a former regimental commandant-deputy and co-founder of the Dragoon Regiment No. 3, he took over after the unexpected death of regimental owner Herbert Fallwick, in the hardest hours of the regiment, with a handful of idealists, the fortunes of the regiment.

From February 1995 to October 2015, in his capacity as President and Commander of the DR 3, he distinguished himself above all through prudence, accuracy but also through tolerance and humanity.

Colonel Otto Dorfstätter was at this time leading member of the Presidium of the Austrian Cavalry Association and the Union of The European Historical Military Groups. His stamina and consistency may be a role model for all of us.

In order that the hours and years of his life were not lived out in vain for our common history and cavalry tradition, I, Hans Günter Ebetshuber, see it as an obligation to preserve the tradition in his spirit and to continue it. We should continue to raise awareness of the equestrian splendor of the monarchy out of the museum, and continue the living tradition and history of the ancient cavalry with pride and self-confidence.

Our sincere condolences are to his wife and son, who always stood behind him with love and understanding. We have lost a friend and comrade whose joy of living and dynamism inspired us – you will always be in our hearts and in our midst.

Montur & Pulverdampf 2019

On the 13th and 14th of July 2019 the big event “Montur & Pulverdampf” took place in the Museum of Military History in Vienna. A brief battle presentation of the “Deutschmeister Schützenkorps” with the support of the RAD2 went very well to the public. The UEHMG was represented by the adjutant Obst iTR Pritz, KzlOffz Schlosser, Archivist Ptak, the already mentioned above, the Lützower artillery and by visits of the LdwUR6, DR Pejacevic, IR99 on the two days.

Imperial Festival in Baden near Vienna

In the beautiful city of Baden, the Imperial Festival took again place on the 22nd and 23rd of June 2019. The imperial city attracted many delegations of k.u.k. traditional associations for the common march through the city. The whole ceremony was musically accompanied with the sounds of the k.u.k. Wiener Regimentskapelle IR 4 Hoch- und Deutschmeister.

The President of the UEHMG Major General iTR Michael Blaha had the honor and pleasure of escorting IKKH Camilla of Habsburg, who, together with the local political representatives, cut the front and opened the Imperial Festival. Mjr iTR Christian Pock – as operator of the first-class crownland restaurant “Otto-Wagner-Schützenhaus” himself deeply in the k.u.k. Tradition involved – was used for the first time on behalf of the General Adjutancy.

With over 30 degrees summer temperatures, a concert of the regimental chapel with a cozy glass in the park was allowed to be enjoyed after the official ceremony.

Photos: Martin Keller

New ancients for Glasenapp hussars

At the time of Friederich the Great, each infantry regiment had a few regimental flags and a body flag. In the cavalry it was the same, but the flags (ancients) were much smaller and mostly not painted but embroidered. But not all regular Hussar regiments had ancients. Most Free Hussars had no ancients at all.

And even though the free-regiment Hussars von Glasenapp did not lead an ancient at the time, the regiment let paint Colonel Wolfgang Peter a Red Regiment (Eskadron) ancient and a White Life ancient. The body flag had the reverse colors of Eskadron’s ancient. So a white flag with a red heart.

On Saturday, January 12, 2019, the two ancients were ready and the regiment could start to beat the silver nails in the garrison lock Holtmühle. Present were also her friends “The Voormalige Regiment Cavalarie” from Venlo and Feldscher Major Dr. Beurskens.

The silver nails were made and donated by Goldschmidt Boermans from Venlo. The hammering was done with great care by his Excellency General Major L. Noordzij and Chief Mayor Scholten von Gross Venlo. Each ancient received two silver nails.

After this ceremony, Major Rik Poeth commanded two new recruits – Husar Winkelman and Husar Ramaekers – forward for the oath of allegiance. The two new hussars vowed to God and the witnesses present, Generals Major Noordzij, Chief Mayor Scholten and the mother of the company Baroness von der Heijden, the flag loyalty.

After a salute, the regiments and the guests of honor marched into the castle. Here Colonel Poeth thanked General Major Noordzij and Mayor Scholten and handed over a seal of approval. He then thanked the guests and hussars with the traditional Glasenapp liqueur.

Patron General Noordzij congratulated the two new hussars and explained the importance of the ancients. At that time, it served not only as a recognition, (one knew where the regiment was and also the chief or prince) but it had a symbolic meaning. The oath made a vow, respect and reverence. He concluded with the memorable words: “The flag is the clock under which shadow the regiment lives, triumphs or dies. It is the union point under which the regiment goes into battle and under which it can carry the victory. “

The General donated some delicious glasses of beer and brought out a toast to the Hussars Regiment of Glasenapp. The regiment should be proud of its ancients.

The hammering of the silver nails was the first part of the ceremony. The ancients should be blessed, as the tradition demands. On Sunday, 3 February 2019, the Glasenapp Hussars moved from their garrison town of Château Holtmühle to Maastricht. The field preacher Major Dautzenberg from Tegelen had been given an important position in Maastricht. So the Hussars went to the Sint Servaas Basilica in Maastricht for the blessing of the flag.

All the Dutch associations of the Union of the European Historical Military Groups were present, while the field preacher blessed the ancients: the Maastricht Brigade, the Voormalige Regiment Kavallerie and of course the Hussars of Glasenapp. After the mass, the regiments lined up in front of the church and the Glasenapp hussars fired a commemorative shot in memory.

The regiment prides itself on its two ancients and will honor them for every reenactment battle.

Report: Colonel F.W.M. Poeth
Photos: Nanette Ramaekers-Ubben and Maud van Dooren-Blok

National meeting in Wr. Neustadt

On Saturday, June 8, 2019, the state meeting of the UEHMG groups Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna took place in Wiener Neustadt.

In addition to a ceremony on the main square and in the city park, a field mass was held in the courtyard of the military academy. The musical design of the mass held by military superior Stefan Gugerel was taken over by the k.u.k. Vienna regimental chapel of the infantry regiment no. 4th.

Numerous historical military groups in their traditional uniforms – from civil corps to hussars, dragoons and artillerists – made a colorful picture. For the UEHMG, President GenMjr iTR Michael Blaha took part in the ceremony on the main square and subsequently enjoyed the Maximilian Beer, specially provided for this event.

European Shooting Championship

The UEWHG “Union of the European Historical Military Groups”, a European umbrella organisation with over 85 different member associations from 14 countries, hosted the European Shooting Championships. This major event took place on 15th June at the shooting range in Mistelbach in Lower Austria. The Kremser Traditionsschützenkorps of the former Infanterieregiment No. 84 was commissioned with the organisation and implementation.

At the competition it was possible to compete in 10 different shooting categories. It was possible to measure your performance in an international environment. Visitors from 10 nations took part, among them Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Holland, Croatia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Hungary.

You could participate with small caliber and large caliber, over 100 years old ordnance rifles, modern semi-automatic machines and with revolver and pistol.

After intensive preparations the competition ran at full speed, many participants came from half of Europe. A total of 70 trophies were awarded. These cups are custom-made and bear the UEHMG coat of arms.

At the award ceremony the Ukrainian defence attaché Colonel Andriy Tkachuk and the colonel of the cavalry Friedrich Gappmayr, representing the president of the UEHMG, Major General iTR Michael Blaha, presented the trophies. As representative of the provincial association for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, Captain iTR Alfred Wurmauer congratulated the winners.

The largest foreign team was the reservist comradeship Hesborn, which arrived with 6 men over 1,000 kilometers.

The result was impressive, all three first places went to the IR84 from Krems: The eightfold national champion Rüdiger Gruber (IR84) could get his sixteenth European champion title, the second and third place also went to the Kremser Schützenkorps: Dominik Scholz (IR84) won another title and Michael Kleinböck (IR84) could secure the second place at his first participation in a European championship.

In addition, a tombola with high quality prizes provided great joy for the lucky winners, who drew the right lot. More photos and reports about the European Championship can be found on

26th “Marchfelder Schlösserritt”

Castle ride in the footsteps of the Marchfelder Habsburg dynasty under the patronage of BM a.D. Dr. Werner Fasslabend and under the seal “Sub Auspiciis” Karl von Habsburg.

The 26th Marchfelder Schlösserritt took place from May 30 to June 2, 2019, in cooperation with Mag. Klaus Panholzer, Managing Director of Schloss Schönbrunn Betriebs- und Kulturges.mbH, the division managers of Schloss Hof Mrs. Mag. Katharina Tschann and her deputy Lukas Svoboda, the communities, the federal forests and the regional hunters.

The opening again took place on Thursday in the Orangerie in Schlosshof. Numerous participants, helpers and guests of honor were welcomed by the organiser H. G. Ebetshuber. Mayor Josef Reiter from Engelhartstetten as well as the president of the Austrian Cavalry Association Colonel Franz Prandstätter honored the long-term commitment of the tradition Dragoon Regiment No. 3 in their speeches. After that, Elke Schwarz was awarded the Silver St. George’s Order for her tireless work and many years of dedication to the castle ride.

Before the commander of the Dragoon Regiment No. 3 Colonel of Cavalry Hans Günter Ebetshuber opened the castle ride, a prominent participant, the cabaret artist Lydia Prenner-Kasper, was warmly welcomed to the event. After the champagne reception, all those present were invited to an extremely interesting tour of the castle.

Due to the flooding of the March, the route had to be constantly changed by the organisation team. This year the competitions were again held in two categories. The A-competition total distance for both days about 80 km, with special tests that were carried out on the way or directly in Schlosshof, or the lunchtime rest in Schloss Eckartsau and Schloss Marchegg. Inter alia the shooting range Haringsee held the shooting competition. Riding through, hand horse riding, coping with natural obstacles in the group, individual jumping over natural obstacles the next day, distance estimation, plan reading, etc. were among the special tasks in which you could earn points.

33 participants (A) had a positive result in the special stages and completed the entire distance of approx. 80 km without a mistake. 19 participants were proud to receive the Kav performance badge for orienteering and trekking in bronze. Event-B about 50 km total on both days appealed to the 30 participants and was extra scored.

During the individual jumping over the natural obstacles, the 26th Marchfelder Schlösserritt received a high attendance: the president of the Lower Austrian Equestrian Federation KR Ing. Gerold Dautzenberg. He was welcomed by the organiser and with a passing carriage was brought in the castle to another competition.

Afterwards there was a special guided tour through the castle, to the regimental command DR 3 and to the festively decorated baroque stable for the gala dinner before the award ceremony. Mag. Ines Bejdl – an internationally recognized judge – also visited surprisingly the event because in Lassee there was a jumping tournament on the same day. The cozy castle restaurant garden was then a place of shoptalk and discussion about the support and promotion of equestrian popular sports.

After the gala dinner – this year in the baroque stable – badges, bows, certificates and placement prizes were handed over by the mayor from Eckartsau Ing. Rudolf Makoschitz, Dr. med. Hans Reinisch of Magna Racino and the organiser.

In appreciation of his services to the Tradition Dragoons Regiment No. 3, the commander-in-chief, Mr. Thomas Tschann (DR 4), is awarded the Regimental Order of the Dragoon Regiment No. 3 in bronze. Because of exemplary long-term service fulfillment for our common history and tradition Mr. Zgsf. Walter Bründl Pohl (DR3) has been promoted to sergeant. The golden medal of the Austrian Cavalry Association was given to Gundi Schmid and the Regimental Trumpeter of the DR 3, Zgsf. Günter Ringhofer.

The honorary challenge cup donated by Archduke Georg Habsburg was given to a uniformed participant, for the Cavalry highest military rating to Ptf. Christian Guss (Dragoon Regiment No.5), who also met the entire course (80km) without error for his regiment.


  • 1st place, Dragonerregiment Nr. 5
    Olt. Dr Anton Wankhammer, Ptf. Dr. Carina Wankhammer
    Olt. Ivor Schiller, Ptf. Christian Guss, Ptf. Silke Schmerlaib
  • 2nd place
    Caroline Geiger, Finian Geiger, Sophie Mikula, Lara Johann, Michaela Res
  • 3rd place
    Alois Hauptmann, Tzt. Rudolf Hauptmann, Sabine FRITZ, Christoph Allgäuer


  • 1st place
    Susanne Payr, Gabriela Payr, Lisa Würzl, Stefanie Dörnhöfer
  • 2nd place
    Gerhard Lackner, Michaela Bischof, Markus Goldfuss, Irene Unger
  • 3rd place
    Kpr.  Markus Potzmann, Mag. Doris Potzmann, Michaela Pinisch, Cornelia Oberguggenberger

Expression of condolences about Colonel of cavalry Otto Dorfstätter

With great sadness we have the duty to inform that the Honorary Councillor Colonel of cavalry Otto Dorfstätter passed on 1st of May 2019.

The President of the Union of European Military Historical Groups Major General iTR Michael Blaha, the executive committee, the Presidium and all comrades of the UEHMG express their deepest sympathy to the bereaved for this grave loss.

The UEHMG will honor his deserving comrade in honor.


Spring Parade 2019 in Linz

For the 97th time marks the anniversary of the death of the last Austrian Emperor Karl I. On this occasion, the Linzer k.u.k. Traditions-Dragonerregiment No. 7 “Herzog von Lothringen und Bar” invited on Saturday for the Spring Parade with worship on the main square. And more than 500 uniformed comrades from Austria and the crown lands followed the call. For the first time: the Hungarian Navy.

This colorful meeting with pageant on the highway (from the Martin Luther Square to the main square) was by no means a meeting of diehard, assured the keynote speakers – headed by Brigadier Nikolaus Egger, commander of the Army Officers’ Academy (HUAk) in Enns. Rather, it is a matter of military traditions, a commitment to virtues, timeless values and a contribution to a better understanding of the past. The story is a teacher, but there is a lack of students, said Egger.

Only those who knew their roots could live, he agreed with Colonel Johann M. Eckhardt von Eckenfeld (Commander of the Dragon Regiment), Member of Parliament Wolfgang Hattmansdorfer and City Councilor Doris Lang-Mayerhofer. In imperial weather, the parade of the Landwehr Infantry Regiment Linz No. 2, the Alpini (Italian mountain fighter) from Pedolo, as well as singers of the Dragoon Regiment 5 in Cernica (Slovenia) musically framed the event.

Complement: On the part of the UEHMG, President Major General iTR Michael Blaha participated in the event and was pleased to meet many well-known comrades of traditional care. Congratulations to the successful event!

(Article of the Upper Austrian News from 01.04.2019)